Portfolio Packaging, Documents & Cover Designs

Overseas bid designs

During several stints of working in the Middle East I have worked on a variety of projects overseas.

Project Details

  • Producing covers, bid documents, maps and summary brochures
  • Using illustration to make the projects stand out from competitors
  • Use infographics and maps to illustrate text where possible. As much of the data in these areas is new some of these visuals were used as benchmarks and exemplar imagery.

I worked with local printers and suppliers in the Middle East to produce a variety of deliverables.

Id  Ai  Ps

Handbag sized square sustainability document
Bespoke brochure design in brand
Handbag sized square bid or positioning document
Bespoke position statement design using my photography
Handbag sized square bid or positioning document
Bespoke bid design with on location photography
Bid cover for real estate professional services
Bid design (technical)
Severn estuary bid illustrative solution
Bid document design and accompanying folders
document design featuring bespoke die-cuts and illustrations
Document design featuring die cut and illustrative solution
Overseas bid design
Overseas bid designs
Bespoke packaging for bid document
Bid documents and boxed packaging design
Illustrative folder design for oil company
Illustrative folder designs
Metropolitan Police bid document
Illustrative folder designs
cover designs for binders
Cover designs
Pharmaceutical document
Bid Cover design (abstract)